The Advisory Committee may consult such persons as they deem fit and engage consultants to aid and assist in their task – Kapil Sibal




The Union Minister for Human Resource Development, Shri Kapil Sibal held a meeting with the members of the recently constituted Advisory Committee of Science and Technology here today. The chairman of the committee, Prof. Roddam Narasimha, Dr Anil Kakodkar, Dr M.K.Bhan, Prof A.K.Sood, and Prof V.Kannan. Prof K.Vijayraghavan, Prof Baldev Raj and Prof Ashustosh Sharma are the other members of the Committee. Secretary Department of Higher Education, Ms. Vibha Puri Das and other senior officers of the ministry were present in the meeting. In this first meeting , Shri Sibal explained to the members the mandate of the committee . he said that the committee would be advising the Government on a holistic approach to research in science and technology on strategies, schemes and measures that provide a vision yet show a specific path for implementation. The Minister pointed out that the Committee could undertake the following:

(i) To lay down the vision for science and technology development in the university system in the next decade with targets for achievement.

(ii) Delineate strategies and measures to attract students to science and maths at the secondary level and simultaneously to improve teaching in science and maths in schools.

(iii) Identify emerging areas in science and technology for focusing through the university system.

(iv) Specify schemes with investment plans to facilitate creation of research infrastructure expanding the number of institutions of quality involved in research.

(v) Develop schemes to attract global talent in research to Indian Universities and initiatives for faculty potential enhancement.

(vi) Develop mechanisms for competitive research funding and research audit of institutions.

The Minister said that with the vastness of the task entrusted to the committee, it would prioritise its areas of focus and submit recommendations from time to time on specific areas that require attention of Government and policy makers. He also said that the Advisory Committee may consult such persons as they deem fit and engage consultants to aid and assist in their task. It was also decided that the Committee may meet as often as they require and submit reports from time to time but shall meet with HRM in chair every three/four months to deliberate on recommendations that may require intervention of the Minister.


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