We are pleased to offer global connectivity to our customers in India and abroad : Shrikant Pandit



Mumbai, ,

Bangalore based Omnesys Technologies, a leading provider of multi-asset trading software and systems and an Independent Software Vendor (ISV) in India, has announced that it has tied up with US based Rithmic, to provide the users of “Omnesys NEST”, India’s leading securities trading platform, access to and trading on major global derivatives exchanges. NEST users already have access to all the exchanges in India. Announcing the tie-up, Shrikant Pandit, Managing Director of Omnesys, said “We are pleased to offer global connectivity to our customers in India and abroad by connecting to global exchanges through Rithmic. We have worked hard with Rithmic to provide what we believe is a very compelling offering for large financial institutions, small to medium prop desks and hedge funds to trade across multiple global markets. Jonathan Walden, CEO of Rithmic, said “The NEST Platform is an outstanding product that has been seminal in the growth of securities and derivatives trading in India.  We are pleased that Omnesys has chosen Rithmic for offering global connectivity solutions to its customers”.



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