How to keep negativity at bay this Holi


tarot-card-expert,-Dr.-MadhINVC NEWS
New Delhi,

As the holi festival is approaching, people develop evil connotations regarding their health and wellness. People believe that the practice rate of witchcraft gets higher during the festival and can lead to direct stress and anxiety for long. But tarot card expert Dr. Madhu Kotiya says one can avoid these negative vibes and stressed hallucinations by following protecting guide during holi to release negativity and burn the evil inside one self to welcome positive vibes and endure peace.

The solutions are surrounded by you at your household and don’t need any special ingredient to get from the marketplace. Simple homemade remedies are considerate to give a pass to chaotic energies. Build a healing magnet around yourself and protect yourself from the negativity that imbibes around you. The expert is sharing some household tips to safeguard yourself.

·         One can use water containing asafoetida (heeng) during playing holi. This will help in keeping the negative energy far away from you and your family circle. It is considered that asafoetida has power to soak in the negativity from its circle.

·         One can use asafoetida in their food dishes being prepared for the occasion to ensure a protection shield around every family member. High with medicinal content, one can keep themselves protected by consuming it in their Holi special dishes by adding a pinch of taste and healing.

·          One can go for brown colour to play holi this year. The colour will protect you from any kind of negative energy or power. One can prepare it by using henna powder combined with other natural ingredients amla powder to give it a perfect blend. It will be safe on skin as well as well being.

·         Go for natural fragrances that of sandalwood as they will not only keep you fresh but also build a protection shield around you all day long. With its natural extracts, it helps in protecting your skin as well as obnoxious energy.

·         Use sea salt for bathing and cleaning the floors and tiles post holi to wipe out the negative and stressful vibes from your home. It will help in draining out of evil energies and protect your home from any kind of uncertainties.


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