4th Meeting of Advisory Council on Artificial Recharge to Groundwater




Ministry of Water Resources is organizing 4th meeting of Advisory Council on Artificial Recharge to Ground Water here, on September 15, 2010. The meeting will be Chaired by Shri Pawan Kumar Bansal, the Union Minister for Water Resources.

Advisory Council on Artificial Recharge to Ground Water was constituted on 17th April, 2006 with the objectives to identify priority areas and area- specific technologies for artificial recharge in coordination with various Central /State organizations, NGOs, Industries / Stakeholders etc. along with creation of awareness, education, capacity building, funding strategies and periodic review of actions taken by Centre and States.

The Advisory Council would deliberate upon peoples participation in Artificial Recharge programmes and awareness for replication of successful programmes implemented by peoples participation like Andhra Pradesh Farmer Managed Ground Water System Project, Andhra Pradesh (APFAGS), Sardar Patel Participatory Water Conservation Scheme, Gujarat (SPPWCP). The council would also deliberate upon micro level aquifer mapping in flood plains for artificial recharge to underground aquifers.

The council would further recommend appropriate strategies / action plans on Farmers’ Participatory Action Research Programme for water use efficiency in farming sector with new technologies and involvement of Gram Panchayats, Municipalities and Mandal Parishads in awareness and capacity building programs.

The council would further deliberate and recommend methodology for awarding water credits to industries and town to encourage them for practicing water use efficiency, replication of low cost artificial recharge and rainwater harvesting technologies. It is also proposed to discuss categorization of water intensive industries for effective regulation of ground water withdrawal and ensuring implementation of Rain water harvesting.


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